

Gen Z’s real estate preferences positively impact the sector


Individuals born in the late 1990s, also known as Generation Z, have gained a voice in the real estate market. The generation has preferences for versatile properties close to the main shops due to their busy and independent daily lives

The rise of the so-called generation Z has played an important role with regard to the constant evolutions and demands of the real estate market, since they are the ones who challenge this segment to adapt to meet the needs and expectations of a public that is characterized by being younger and more dynamic. In general, aspects such as accessibility, technology and properties close to public transport and basic convenience stores represent priorities for building an active and social life.

A market study carried out by Abrain Inteligencia Estratégica and published by Estadão, shows that around 37% of this public intends to buy a property. However, generation Z emerges with real estate preferences that are different from the traditional style to which society is adapted. These individuals have needs and expectations for more compact, integrated and flexible spaces. Another survey carried out by DataFolha also indicates that 91% of young people between 21 and 24 years old are looking for smaller properties, at the same time that they provide a better quality of life, and lower costs due to the specific demands of everyday life, since the The vast majority of them experience a fast-paced routine.

Emerson Lima explains that this generation's search for a balanced and versatile lifestyle can positively impact the real estate scenario in the long term. “We have observed this change in mentality and behavior especially among younger people, after all, they value convenience, mobility and sustainability, topics that until a few years ago were not properly explored. Therefore, in our projects we started to invest in a style that is close to this audience. The adoption of new technologies, shared spaces and the multifunctionality of environments are some examples. In any case, the real estate market has adapted to these changes to meet the needs of generation Z, in addition to seeking constant evolution”, comments the Sales Director at ARGO.

Enterprise offers flexibility and life quality

In Vitória, a development with a privileged location in Jardim Camburi guarantees generation Z individuals a property measuring around 2,000 m², in addition to providing leisure spaces, social interaction and proximity to the main shopping and mobility centers – which are some of the aspects most sought after by young people. The residential Argo Camburi has 85% of its units sold and guarantees residents flexibility through home-office space and a better quality of life with green areas for rest and meditation.

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